Pawpear (páipéar) design and curate paper stationery bursting with colour and imbued with Irish spirit.
A box of 8 illustrated greeting cards in 4 designs with envelopes, featuring colourful depictions of ancient sites on Ireland's East: Loch Cairlinn, Lú (Carlingford Lough, Louth), Gleann Dá Loch, Cill Mhaintáin (Glendalough, Wicklow), Siúl Aille, Aird Mhór, Port Láirge (Ardmore Cliff Walk, Waterford) and an Ghráinseach Nua, An Mhí)(New Grange, Meath). Irish language with English translation.
- 8 greeting cards with envelope
- Blank for your own message
- Celebrating Ireland's Ancient East Coast
Dimensions: Stationery box is 123x20x173mm and made from 400gsm PEFC-certified board.
Greeting cards are printed on 350gsm premium white card and come with 120gsm premium white envelopes.